MBC is located off of Lanikuhana Avenue, directly across from Hanalani Schools on Anania Drive.
Search for directions:
Turn into the first lot where we have guest stalls conveniently located near the church entrance with easy access upstairs for the nursery and classrooms.
Every Sunday at 8 am and 11 am, our later service is also available live on YouTube. Our service lasts about 75 minutes with a blend of both traditional and contemporary music styles. We also have Sunday School for all ages from 9:30-10:30am.
If you can't join us on Sunday mornings, we also have a mid-week Bible study and Prayer meeting on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.
The nursery is available upstairs in room 202 during the 11am service.
We also have Children’s Church during the 11am service! All children in kindergarten through 3rd grade are welcome and invited upstairs after our service's music portion, just before the sermon.
When you visit MBC, you can expect:
Biblical teaching from our pastors.
Greetings with a warm aloha spirit.
A love for our church, community, and world!
Value and care for you and your 'ohana.
diverse people of all ages.
traditional and contemporary music.
A mixture of casual and formal atire.
Behind every seat is a welcome card. If you fill it out and just drop it in the offering plate, it helps us to connect with you and to know how we can bless and pray for you. Of course, please feel free to connect with a pastor by calling (808) 623-2559 during the week or emailing pastor@mbaptist.org.